Drunk Crow – You are drunk, go home. Don’t drive!

Over the past year I have been lecturing and facilitating workshops about Serious Games. One of the things we go over is the different types of categories Serious Games can fall into, mostly based on the purpose behind them. Persuasive Games are games that try to change your attitude (in real life) based on a situation you are dealing in the game world.

End of year holidays are usually very happy days. You spend more time with friends and family, eating and drinking. When you are having such a great time you might lose track on the drinks you’ve had. Drunk Crow, a Persuasive Game I put together over 2015 holidays gives the player a puzzle and tracks how much the user takes to solve it. If the user takes longer than average the game questions the player if he has been drinking, and suggesting that only drunk people would take that long. In the very end it suggests the user to go home and let someone else drive.

The original puzzle was taken from an online publication from a bar that printed the puzzle on their drink coasters.

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